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Read about our latest news and projects.
Carbfix and Dan-Unity awarded large EU Grant for the Coda Terminal
Carbfix and Dan-Unity CO2 has been selected for grant award from the European Innovation Fund to build the Coda Terminal, a large-scale CO2 transport and storage hub at Straumsvík, Iceland. The hub will be the first of its kind in the world. Operations are set to commence in mid-2026 and full capacity will be achieved […]
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Dan-Unity and Victrol to Ship the CO2 from Inland Europe’s Largest Industry Emitters to Safe Storage
Press Release, March 21, 2022 As an essential part of fighting climate change, a new collaboration between the shipping companies Dan-Unity CO2 and Victrol comes with a breakthrough for reducing CO2 from mainland Northern Europe. By offering end-to-end seaborn CO2 transportation by rivers and sea to utilization and storage facilities, (CCUS), this urgent infrastructure gap […]
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Dan-Unity and Aker Carbon Capture CO2 to Explore Solutions for Maritime Transport of CO2
Dan-Unity CO2 and Aker Carbon Capture have signed a collaboration agreement to develop flexible CO2 transport solutions, with the aim of establishing a full carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) value chain. “By teaming up with the industry leaders in the fields of CO2 transport and storage, we aim to establish compelling full value chain […]
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New Danish Deal for Capture, Transport and Storage of CO2
The Danish Government and a broad political majority have agreed on a new deal for capture, transport and storage of CO2 in Denmark, allocating DKK 16 billion to support the development of a Danish CCS industry. CCS and CCU are recognized as important tools in combatting climate change and realizing the Danish climate targets of […]
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Project Greensand Receives Funding
Wednesday afternoon the Danish Energy Agency announced that it will award 197 million DKK to the consortium behind Project Greensand for CCS (carbon capture storage). The carbon storage project will support Denmark’s ambitions to reach a 70 percent CO2 reduction by 2030. The award is based on a political decision by The Danish Government and […]
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DAN - UNITY CO2 is able to order world's first vessels capable of large-scale CO2 transportation
Press Release, Copenhagen, November 22, 2021 The shipping company Dan-Unity CO2 is able to order world’s first vessels capable of large-scale CO2 transportation. The new vessel designs from TGE Marine of 12,500 cbm and 22,000 cbm, ensuring safe transportation of CO2, have achieved approval in principle from ABS, The American Bureau of Shipping. This major […]
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Dan-Unity CO2 Announces Participation in Largest Danish CCS Project
Dan-Unity CO2 is excited to be able to announce it is participating in the Greensand Consortium - the consortium behind the largest CCS project currently underway in Denmark. Dan-Unity CO2 is a part of phase 2 of Project Greensand, undertaking development of a transport solution that accommodates the unique characteristics and requirements of the project […]
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Press Release, Dan-Unity CO2 Launch
Copenhagen, May 19, 2021 Dan-Unity CO2 is the first shipping company specialized in vessels for transport of captured CO2 for storage (CCS) and re-use (CCU). Dan-Unity CO2 is founded by two Danish-based shipping companies, Evergas and Ultragas. Dan-Unity CO2 is pleased to announce its partnership with Icelandic Carbfix and together we will, already in 2025, […]
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Support from the Danish Maritime Fund
Dan-Unity CO2 has received a grant from the Danish Maritime Fund (Den Danske Maritime Fond) to support the development of new ships for CO2 transport. Dan-Unity CO2, a recent collaboration between the gas shipping companies Ultragas and Evergas, has received support to clarify technical challenges and possible solutions for onboard storage and management of CO2. […]
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Website launch
Established by the two Danish shipping companies Evergas and Ultragas – each a market leader within their respective segments of transportation of liquid gasses. Standing on the shoulders of the two companies' rich histories, Dan-Unity CO2 is leveraging the experiences and innovative spirits to tackle the challenges of today to create a better tomorrow. In combining […]
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